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SEW‑EURODRIVE staff carrying out a Quick Check

What benefits does our "Quick Check" service offer you?

Our "Quick Check" service enables you to improve operational reliability and system availability, optimize your maintenance costs, and - thanks to the transparency provided by its comprehensive documentation (Inspection Report) – ensure compliance with standards and internal requirements. Our service experts are on hand to offer advice, including when it comes to planning and implementing maintenance measures derived from, or following up on, a Quick Check.

Your requirements

Improve system availability
through preventive inspection of drive components in an existing system
Increase operational reliability
through on-site condition assessments, early detection of damage and a specific recommended course of action
Optimize maintenance costs
and adhere to internal budget specifications
Comply with standards and internal requirements,
especially audits, by providing evidence and documentation to show that maintenance measures have been carried out

Our services

Assessment of mounting position on drive technology

Acoustic check on running noise of the gear unit bearings and motor bearings

Measurement of contamination in the gear oil used

Visual inspection for oil leaks, check of the oil level and all oil seals and gaskets on the gear unit

Check on the terminal box (condition, ingress of oil/water, seals, screw fittings) and inspection of the wiring on the terminal board

Brake wear check and functional check on mechanical and electrical elements of the brake (including cleaning the brake, checking that the wiring on the rectifier and terminal strip is secure)

Visual check for damage and faultless installation for mounted drive electronics (e.g. MOVIMOT®, MOVIGEAR®) and servo drive technology (including motor feedback systems)

Visual check of mount-on components (e.g. belt pulleys, sprockets, couplings, etc.) for superficial damage, missing or inadequate protective covers, oil leakages

The added value for you

Comprehensive documentation in the form of a Quick Check Inspection Report, including recommended course of action
12-month SEW functional warranty for the drive components checked and found to be OK (excluding sealing elements)
Scheduling of further Quick Checks and advice on follow-up maintenance measures
Knowledge transfer for your maintenance staff when the Quick Check is being carried out
Performance of Quick Checks for both SEW-EURODRIVE and third-party drive components
Transparency thanks to clear identification of the drive technology that has been checked and a reminder on the expiry of the SEW functional warranty
Optional: Transferring recorded data to a central database and archiving it there as a basis for further operating and maintenance concepts