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The benefits for you

Thanks to the standardized MOVI-C® portfolio, which makes it very easy to decide between control cabinet and decentralized installation.

Since you can use the MOVIPRO® technology decentralized inverter to control any kind of motor in combination to any market-standard encoder system.

Time saving
Thanks to digital motor integration and plug-in connection technology.

Since applications of up to 30 kW nominal motor power can be implemented.

Scalable functional safety
Since the perfect solution can be found for any requirement.

Thanks to standardized interface and predefined MOVIKIT® modules.

Control technology Control cabinet technology Decentralized drive technology Drive technology

Powerful universal genius

There's a new addition to the decentralized technology portfolio in our MOVI-C® modular automation system – the new MOVIPRO® technology decentralized inverter is a real genius all-rounder and the perfect choice for your challenging tasks and applications.

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MOVIPRO® technology – high-performance, universal, and scalable

MOVIPRO® technology is a decentralized inverter that can meet challenging requirements for applications. Alongside high-performance, scalable safety technology, it also boasts a positioning function with all standard motor encoders or external encoders. Thanks to its large power range of up to 30 kW, the decentralized inverter can also be used in lifting applications for heavy materials. The plug-in interfaces minimize installation outlay.


  • Motor types: Can be combined with synchronous/asynchronous drives (with/without encoder) from SEW-EURODRIVE and third-party motors.
  • MOVILINK® DDI: The digital motor interface with an electronic nameplate that includes all drive unit data. By eliminating the need for manual motor startup, this saves you valuable time and prevents any potential startup errors.
  • Encoder evaluation: Evaluation of standard motor encoders (MOVILINK® DDI, sin/cos, TTL/HTL, RS422, HIPERFACE®).
  • External encoder evaluation: Evaluation of standard external encoders such as distance encoders (EnDat, SSI, sin/cos, TTL/HTL, RS422, HIPERFACE®).
  • Wide voltage input for global use.
  • Control modes:
    • V/f: highly robust for asynchronous motors without encoders
    • VFCPLUS: highly diverse for asynchronous motors with and without encoders
    • CFC: highly dynamic for asynchronous and synchronous motors with encoders
    • ELSM®: highly efficient for synchronous motors without encoders

Technical data

MPX22.. MPX23..
Size BG2* BG2E BG3 BG3E*
Weight kg approx. 16 approx. 18 approx. 26 approx. 28
Nominal output current A 5 – 9.5 12.5 / 16 24 / 32 46 / 62
Nominal power kW** 2.2 – 4 5.5 / 7.5 11 / 15 22 / 30
Connection voltage V 3 *AC 380 V – 500 V (also available as IT network design)
Digital and analog inputs/outputs
  • Up to 12 digital inputs
  • Up to 8 digital outputs
  • 1 relay contact
  • Up to 2 analog inputs
  • Up to 2 analog outputs
Brake control
  • Integrated brake control for DC 24 V (BMV5)
  • Integrated brake control for AC 230 V, AC 400 V, and AC 460 V (BD1B)
  • Integrated safe brake control for AC 230 V, AC 400 V, and AC 460 V (SBM)
  • Optional: two integrated brake control systems for dual-motor operation (only with BD1B or SBM)
Degree of protection IP65 to EN 60529
Ambient temperature -25 °C to +60 °C (reduction in performance from 40 °C)

*In preparation

** In conjunction with asynchronous motors

You can find all the technical data and documents about MOVIPRO® technology here.

Areas of application

MOVIPRO® technology decentralized inverters are particularly well suited for applications with challenging requirements:

  • Lifting/lowering conveyors in the automotive industry or intralogistics
  • Scissor lift tables in the automotive industry
  • Electrified monorail systems in the automotive industry

Communication/installation variants:

  • DFC – Direct Fieldbus Communication (PROFINET, EtherNet/IPTM, Modbus TCP)
  • DSI – Direct Systembus Installation (EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS,EtherCAT®/CIA402)

From control technology to inverters and drives, whether centralized or decentralized, there are no language barriers with any of the components from the MOVI-C® modular automation system. Plan the design of your machines or systems with a single control, communication, or installation topology. Our hardware and software will slot seamlessly into place and simply get things moving.

Customized motion control applications are increasingly making use of the EtherCAT® CiA402 profile, including directly in the field, to control a number of drives using a field distributor. Whether you are utilizing this bus communication interface or a different one, you have unlimited combination options with MOVIPRO® technology.

Digital motor and data integration

Single-cable technology for power supply and data transfer with digital encoder for synchronous and asynchronous motors

In fact, only one hybrid cable is required here for the data connection between inverter and motor. The digital MOVILINK® DDI data interface transmits performance, brake, encoder, and diagnostic data to the motor.

Find out more

MOVIKIT® software modules

The "Drive" category includes MOVIKIT® software modules that are operated directly on the MOVIMOT® flexible decentralized inverter.

  • MOVIKIT® Positioning Drive: MOVIKIT® Positioning Drive enables positioning applications with a standardized fieldbus interface.
  • MOVIKIT® RapidCreepPositioning Drive: MOVIKIT® RapidCreepPositioning Drive is a software module for implementing classic "rapid/creep speed positioning" without a motor encoder.
  • MOVIKIT® Velocity Drive: MOVIKIT® Velocity Drive allows you to use applications with velocity control and a standardized fieldbus interface.
Find out more about MOVIKIT®

Functional safety overview for the basic version:

  • Integrated STO (Safe Torque Off) safety function to IEC 61800-5-2
  • Safety Integrity Level 3 to EN 61800-5-2: 2017, EN 61508: 2010
  • PL e to EN ISO 13849-1: 2015
  • STO (Safe Torque Off) activated via binary control or safe communication
  • Optional: Up to 2 integrated safe brake control (SBC) systems

Overview of safety options

Safe inputs 4 4 4
Safe outputs 2* 2* 2*
Safe communication PROFIsafe, CIP SafetyTM, Safety over EtherCAT® PROFIsafe, CIP SafetyTM, Safety over EtherCAT® PROFIsafe, CIP SafetyTM, Safety over EtherCAT®
Safe stop functions STO, SS1-t, SBC STO, SS1-t, SBC STO, SS1-t, SBC
Safe movement functions SOS, SS1-r, SS2, SLS, SSR, SLA, SSM, SDI SOS, SS1-r, SS2, SLS, SSR, SLA, SSM, SDI
Safe positioning functions SLI SLI, SLP, SCA

* The number of outward safe outputs is reduced when the integrated safe brake control (SBC) system is used.


Interface box

  • Interface box with integrated maintenance switch enables rapid installation and quick unit replacement in the event of a fault

Braking resistors

  • Plug-in, external braking resistors for all sizes

Sensor/actuator box

  • Sensor/actuator box to simplify connection of sensors and actuators


  • The CBG11A and CBG21A keypads can be used for startup and diagnostics.
    Find out more

In preparation: FEA31A decentralized combibox

  • Decentralized combibox for processing two SSI encoders


  • CE (Europe)
  • UKCA (United Kingdom)
  • EAC (Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan)
  • UA.TR (Ukraine)

In preparation:

  • UL
  • CMIM (Morocco)
  • RCM (Australia)


Martin Süß,
product manager for MOVIPRO® technology, SEW-EURODRIVE

MOVIPRO® technology combines the flexibility of control cabinet technology with the installation benefits and robustness of decentralized technology. The decentralized inverter is impressive, with its performance capability and scalable design making it ideal for a wide range of applications. What's more, this powerful universal genius has a housing with a high degree of protection and plug-in interfaces, meaning it can be installed quickly and safely in the field, and the customer does not require an additional control cabinet. With MOVIPRO® technology and the MOVI-C® modular automation system, customers have the choice of using control cabinet technology or decentralized technology to implement their applications. Handling and operation are identical; only the housing and interfaces have been adapted to the requirements of the environment.

Additional information


Ecodesign Directive – this directive has had a noticeable impact on machine and system equipment since July 1, 2021. Is that also the case for decentralized drive solutions?

Find out more