Customer-specific solutions for mobile assistance systems

  • 3D graphic: High-bay warehouse and assembly cells that are networked via mobile assistance systems

Do you have very special requirements for a mobile assistance system? No problem! If necessary, we can adapt our autonomous helpers according to your requirements, or develop an entirely customized solution for you. Our comprehensive modular system provides all the necessary components.

Your benefits

  • Custom solutions available on short notice

    Thanks to our industry experts and our comprehensive modular system of components for mobile systems
  • Autonomous, reliable transport

    Swarm intelligence allows the assistants to move freely and in perfect coordination with other vehicles
  • Smooth-running process sequences

    Integrates cutting-edge technology for location, navigation, and communications
  • Fast and wear-free transport

    MOVITRANS® contactless energy transfer system operates by induction and can be used as a line cable and for intermittent point charging

Our MAXOLUTION® modular system for customer-specific mobile assistance systems

Infrastructure for mobile systems


  • TES decentralized supply unit with no additional control cabinet
  • Compact, robust aluminum housing
  • All connection cables pluggable
  • Very high efficiency
  • Contactless, wear-free energy transfer
  • Points supplied with power
  • Track sections supplied with power
  • Hybrid concepts allow sustained power supply even during interruptions in the track (such as curves)
  • Flat line cable for minimum installation costs



  • Connected load of 3.6 to 22 kVA
  • Allows parallel connection of multiple devices on each track section to increase performance

Points supplied with power

  • Power transferred by induction up to 10 kW
  • Installation in the floor for reduced installation costs
  • Heavy-duty design available (traversable with stacker lift truck)
  • Contact charging for very high power levels

Track sections supplied with power

  • Power transfer up to 1.5 kW per head
  • Inductive track guidance with measuring accuracy of +/- 2 mm
  • Multiple mobile pickups per track section
  • Installation in the floor (traversable with stacker lift truck)
  • Installation on the floor for movable track sections

Automation package


  • Tested module sets for maximum setup reliability
  • Automation package consisting of components and vehicle software
  • Scalable for various customer applications
  • Specific modules for your transport vehicle
  • Defined interfaces between the automation package and the plant control system


  • Automation package for customers to design their own vehicles
  • Payload: Depends on how you use the proven SEW‑EURODRIVE modular system of gearmotors to satisfy your requirements (for example, CMP.. servomotors with helical-bevel gear unit, parallel-shaft helical gear unit, etc.)
  • Speed: max 1.5 m/s
  • Positioning accuracy: +/- 10 mm
  • LAM: defined interface
  • Power supply: Contact charging, inductive charging, batteries, energy storage units
  • Navigation: SLAM*, optical/RFID**, induction/RFID
  • Communication: WLAN

*SLAM - Simultaneous localization and mapping

**RFIDRadio-frequency identification

Planning and control software for assembly tasks

Assembly controller

The assembly controller allows you to quickly integrate transport vehicles into your system according to specified procedures. Your process sequences remain unaffected.

  • Operation / diagnostics / visualization
  • Track management
  • Static routing
  • Customer's system controls assembly assistant through production
  • Customer's system contains all information for visualization for machine operators

SEW Smart Order

SEW Smart Order allows you to upgrade your assembly process to Industry 4.0 today. And it doesn't require you to make any significant changes to your existing IT system. A decentralized link between various process modules via assistance systems reduces the need to communicate with higher-level systems. This allows you to adjust individual process steps quickly, flexibly, and with no complicated programming required.

  • Operation / diagnostics / visualization
  • Track management
  • Decentralized material flow and vehicle control via the assistant
  • Decentralized communication and intelligent linking between process modules and assistant vehicles
  • Smart Order contains all information for visualization for machine operators as well as order data

Planning and control software for transport tasks

Logistics controller

The logistics controller provides the perfect solution for simple transport tasks, e.g. with single-track functionality and static routing.

  • Operation / diagnostics / visualization
  • Track management
  • Interface to PLC or IT system for transport jobs
  • Distance-dependent vehicle dispatching
  • Transport job chaining via customer's system
  • Static routing
  • Single-track concept for controlling intersections, switches, and detours

SEW Logistics Coordinator

Experience Industry 4.0 in your logistics processes today: The software SEW Logistics Coordinator combines material flow and control, enabling you to directly reproduce and adjust processes.

  • Operation / diagnostics / visualization
  • Material flow and track management
  • Independent or interfaced with the IT system
  • Management and dispatching of load carriers and load carrier transporters
  • Distribution management and analysis of current transport jobs
  • Decentralized material flow and vehicle control via the assistant
  • Dynamic routing
  • Logical interlocking for free routing on tracks

Customized solutions for your smart factory

What do you think is the greatest challenge for the factory of the future? First and foremost, you need to be able to react to new customer and market requirements as quickly as possible. This means you need highly flexible manufacturing plants with intelligent, modular layouts that can change as quickly as the market trends.

MAXOLUTION® mobile assistance systems from SEW‑EURODRIVE guarantee the necessary safety and reliability of processes, systems, and people just as well as stationary conveyor technology does. But they also deliver maximum flexibility and scalability.

If none of our standardized autonomous systems fits into your production and process layout, we would be happy to help you configure a new solution, tailored to your requirements based on our comprehensive modular concept for mobile systems.

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Factory automation

Automated guided vehicles for the smart factory

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